Monday, June 21, 2010

New Zelda Game: The Skyward Sword


They are working on the next Legend of Zelda game for the Nintendo Wii, apparently it's called Skyward Sword. It's supposed to release sometime in 2011.

The release date is both good and bad news for me. Bad news because 2011 is, obviously, next year. It's actually great news because if I purchased this game before I take the comprehensive exams, it would probably be a big problem. A really, serious, big problem.

Anybody who is even a casual fan of the Zelda series knows what a new game means. The previous game that launched with the release of the Wii, Zelda: Twilight Princess, was an epic, EPIC game. My wife, who hardly spends any time playing video games, is a loyal Zelda follower, and played this game for hours on end when she finally had a break from school and work. She became obsessed with it. Games like this are typically amazing.

For now, I'm thinking of getting Super Mario Galaxy. The sequel just came out, which is also supposed to be epic. But that makes the first game's value drop a lot, and the first game is still supposed to be amazing and I haven't played it yet.

It's amazing how my passion for video games has not changed since my childhood. My mom told me that I would outgrow toys one day, and of course I didn't believe her. But I have outgrown toys (for the most part), all except video games (and ipods, netbooks, digi cams, and the occasional Transformer).

Some of my favorite Wii Games:

Resident Evil 4
Super Paper Mario
Zelda: Twilight Princess
and hopefully Skyward Sword and Mario Galaxy

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